About Me

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I grew up in Franklin, Kentucky. I moved to Virginia Beach in 2003 and in 2004 I met the gang at Final Kick. Final Kick quickly became my home away from home. I ran my first marathon in 2005 (Shamrock Marathon). It was one of the most painful and amazing experiences of my life. I ran a 3:07 and I crossed the finish line with bloody heels (the right socks are so important). I couldn't wait to run another marathon and I choose The Richmond Marathon. I loved this race and it's still one of my favorites. Shamrock 2006 was my breakout race. I won it in a time of 2:45:40 and I was ecstatic. I also qualified for the trials with this race. Over the next couple of years I graduated from Nursing school and then eventually received my Master's in Exercise Science. In 2010 I raced the Chicago Marathon in a time of 2:45:26 and again qualified for the 2012 Olympic Trials. This was an amazing day for me. And I can't wait to race in Houston 2012
"Running to him was real, the way he did it the realest thing he knew. It was all joy and woe, hard as diamond; it made him weary beyond comprehension. But it also made him free." Once a Runner

Thursday, April 28, 2011


So my last post was about rejection and the rejection that I've been dealing with lately. The rejection I've been dealing with has to do with my work life. I currently work in a job that I'm not entirely happy about. My work is very stressful and it's leaves me feeling drained and often so stressed out that I 'm not very happy when I get home.
I've been doing some soul searching trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. I know people who are off traveling the world and enjoying life but I'm still here stuck in a rut. I'm stuck somwhere between wanting to be free to live my life my way and car payments, school loans, health insurance and all the other bullshit. Figuring out a way to be happy.
So I've been looking around and I've had to deal with some rejections. I don't like rejection and I hate when things don't go my way. So, every time I get knocked down it's harder to get back up. That's all.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Power of Rejection

Sometimes I'm not sure how much rejection a person must take in life. I grew up knowing that not everyone's dreams come true and that's just how it is. And last night Andy told me that Life is about rejection and I thought "how horrible is that".

But I've always thought my dreams would come true. Day after day I work at them and I've always tried to do the right things during my life but still somehow I still deal with daily disappointments and rejection. So I ask you when is it too much? How much rejection can one person take?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Don't work too hard..........It might kill you

A study released on April 5, 2011 says that if you work more than 11 hours a day it could kill you.
Basically those who work more than 11 hours a day have a higher risk for heart disease and are more prone to heart attacks. I've attached a link to the article.


I've always thought that we (most Americans) work too hard and don't take care of themselves. I see these people everyday at work. (I also work with these people -nurses and doctor tend to work way 10-12 hours a day). People who depend on medications way too much and who have never taken care of themselves. I've always lived my life putting my health first and taking care of my body both through exercise and nutrition. I don't think it takes a research article and years of studying a group of people to realize that working yourself to hard is literally working yourself to death but I am glad to see the research.
I've always wondered why doctors and nurses (people who know what inactivity) tend to be so unhealthy and I've realized that it's b/c of the long working hours and the physical difficulty of the job)
Just goes to show I'm right in living my life the way I've chosen to live. We have to realize that we need to take care of ourselves in order to not be a burden on the healthcare system ortherwise.............who knows where healthcare will be by the time we're (I'm) old.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A letter to my thighs and glutes

Dear thighs and glutes.
I know that yesterday I did something horrible to you. I went to a bootcamp class where they made you do lunges and squats repeatedly. And now you must pay for it. You are so sore and stiff I can barely move you guys. It hurts to walk and to sit down. It's 0830 and I still haven't taken the dogs for a walk because I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to walk them. I'm so sorry.
The worst part is........I have a tempo run tonight from Final Kick and I feel that this is really going to hurt. And then, I hate to break the news to you but we have another class tomorrow morning. I have no idea how we will get through this but we will try.
In one of those life is unfair bits Andy walked out of here this morning without even a wince. I wonder if he is hurting as much as we are.
Once again, I am sorry but we will get through this. We are strong! We have the legs of a champion. Thank you for all that you do.

Love, Renee

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Even if it kills you.........

For me, it's very important to support those who are important to you in life. So this morning I got up really early 0450 and went to a bootcamp class with Andy. I know how important it is to me to have someone to run with so I can understand needing someone to go to an exercise class with him. Especially if you don't know anyone and it's your first class.
So.........this morning I did more lunges, squats, burpees, and mountain climbers than I've ever done before. My glutes are gonna hurt like hell tomorrow morning. They are already kinda stiff. Then I went for my own workout this morning after that. A nice run with Dai and Mike........then they tried to kick my butt.
So now I'm exhausted and I think I need a nap. OMG
But hey, what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The one about Pat B and Dai R

So today I am one week out from my last marathon. Probably dealing with a little post race blues. It's always hard to figure out the perfect balance between recovering after a marathon race and just being lazy. LOL. Today I ran 10 miles with a couple of friends and they ran way faster than I thought we were going to run. I was thinking 6:40's and for a while we were keeping 6:17's. I was like wait a minute this is race pace for me.........I'm suppose to be recovering. Anyway, halfway through the run I slowed it down and tried to enjoy running on a beautiful day instead of trying to run my ass off and keep up with the boys ( I love you Pat and Dai).

I've also been really tired lately. Not quite sure what's up with that but I took a nap anyway.

Think I will now get on the trainer to ride for about an hour. That should help my post race blues a little bit

Shamrock Week

Shamrock Week

The Finish Line

The Finish Line

Sharmock Marathon

Sharmock Marathon

Breakfast with Dai and Mike D

Breakfast with Dai and Mike D
Life is Good

Double Chocolate Banana ice cream

Double Chocolate Banana ice cream



Constantina Dita

Constantina Dita

Italian Mother

Italian Mother