So this weekend was a great running weekend. A wonderful start to picking up where I left off weeks ago. Cardiovascular wise I am still in great shape. I had no problems convincing my physical therapist Lucas that I was up for the 8 mile run on Saturday with Coach and the rest of the BDP clan and of course my good friend Kelley Taylor. He agreed and so on Saturday I ran!
Saturday morning was a beautiful, warm summer morning. I showed up right on time and the whole crew was already gathered. We set off at different times and slightly different paces but that didn't really matter b/c it was easy to feel camaraderie between us all.
I had a blast running down the trail with Kelley and we soon found ourselves running 7:10's with no issues and the best knee was holding up. My stride was in full swing and I felt very comfortable. The trail looked better than usual and I was quickly reminded why I love running so much....especially with a wonderful friend (and even though she's been gone, the love is still there).
Then it was off to yoga to practice my headstands (love them!). I'm improving in my yoga as well.
Sunday was a work day but I didn't let that stop me from getting in another 8 mile run.
Ran with Andy (while he biked beside me...what a wonderful guy). Another great run and I had to hold myself back when I realized I had increased the pace to a nice, steady 6:35 pace. I admit that I did hold it for a while and only backed off b/c I didn't want to hurt my knee. Oops. Then it was 30 mins on the bike and then another quick yoga session.
Crazy busy but I feel good and I'm going to sleep well tonight.
It's really great to have Kelley back.
It was awesome to see all of my BDP friends b/c I do miss them so much.
And it's great to have running back.
Now on Tuesday I get my second injection of Synvisc and it will be another 48 hours of no running but I'm anticipating feeling even better after the 2nd injection. Of course, I'm afraid it's going to hurt even more then 2nd time b/c I still have a pretty bad bruise from the first shot and he's going to inject the same area I'm a little anxious again.
About Me

- Renee High
- I grew up in Franklin, Kentucky. I moved to Virginia Beach in 2003 and in 2004 I met the gang at Final Kick. Final Kick quickly became my home away from home. I ran my first marathon in 2005 (Shamrock Marathon). It was one of the most painful and amazing experiences of my life. I ran a 3:07 and I crossed the finish line with bloody heels (the right socks are so important). I couldn't wait to run another marathon and I choose The Richmond Marathon. I loved this race and it's still one of my favorites. Shamrock 2006 was my breakout race. I won it in a time of 2:45:40 and I was ecstatic. I also qualified for the trials with this race. Over the next couple of years I graduated from Nursing school and then eventually received my Master's in Exercise Science. In 2010 I raced the Chicago Marathon in a time of 2:45:26 and again qualified for the 2012 Olympic Trials. This was an amazing day for me. And I can't wait to race in Houston 2012
"Running to him was real, the way he did it the realest thing he knew. It was all joy and woe, hard as diamond; it made him weary beyond comprehension. But it also made him free." Once a Runner
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
So I want to go back to school. Registered Dietitian. I already have a degree BSN so from what I understand I can go back to school and just take the necessary classes to sit for the exam. Lots of people think I'm crazy and that I should stick to nursing or further my education in nursing. That's really not where I want to be in 20 years.
I eventually want to work for myself.
I also want to find the time to study yoga more in depth. Any advice?
I eventually want to work for myself.
I also want to find the time to study yoga more in depth. Any advice?
Synvis 1
Today was a special day for many reasons. I had my first post France run with Kelley (Taylor) and I had my first injection of Synvisc into my knee. Kelley held my hand which was awesome.
First the next 48 hours no running but I can bike and swim. No hard impact just b/c of the pain that comes with having a needle pushed into your knee joint.
I'm very confident that this is all going very well. Today I had an awesome 5 mile run with Kelley and there was no pain and we kept up a pretty pace.
Let's just say......I'm not far from being my ole self.
First the next 48 hours no running but I can bike and swim. No hard impact just b/c of the pain that comes with having a needle pushed into your knee joint.
I'm very confident that this is all going very well. Today I had an awesome 5 mile run with Kelley and there was no pain and we kept up a pretty pace.
Let's just say......I'm not far from being my ole self.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Knee Update
Hey guys,
Just wanted to give an update on my knee. It's actually doing very well. I'm back to running. Today I ran 5 miles at a 730 pace. This is very good for me. I've been running 4-5 miles a day at an 8 minute pace so today was the fastest I've gone in a while. Yay for me!
I've been going to physical therapy for a week now. We are working on increasing the muscle strength in my left leg. The idea is to build up the muscles in the patella and created a medial patella pull. This changes the tracking of the knee joint while I run. We've been taping the knee and I've had great success so we are going in the right direction. I will have my first Synvisc injection next Tuesday and then will continue to have 2 more in the following 2 weeks.
I'm really excited about how well things are going. Thanks for all the good wishes.
Just wanted to give an update on my knee. It's actually doing very well. I'm back to running. Today I ran 5 miles at a 730 pace. This is very good for me. I've been running 4-5 miles a day at an 8 minute pace so today was the fastest I've gone in a while. Yay for me!
I've been going to physical therapy for a week now. We are working on increasing the muscle strength in my left leg. The idea is to build up the muscles in the patella and created a medial patella pull. This changes the tracking of the knee joint while I run. We've been taping the knee and I've had great success so we are going in the right direction. I will have my first Synvisc injection next Tuesday and then will continue to have 2 more in the following 2 weeks.
I'm really excited about how well things are going. Thanks for all the good wishes.
Friday, June 10, 2011
A taped knee is a good knee indeed
So today was another big day for me. I ran 4 miles this morning at an 8 minute pace. No pain and no swelling. Very cool, huh. I'm very happy. According to my therapist Lucas, I need to keep the pace and distance during the weekend. I can increase my distance hopefully after Monday's visit with him. Although we are increasing distance before speed is increased. It's odd but my muscles are sore a little from the running.
I saw Dr. Donato again, he's the ortho doc that I'm seeing, but this time it was at work. When he saw me he asked me if I still hated him. I laughed and I told him that after I saw him I did have a hard time taking in the information and I sat in the car and cried for a while. It was amazing how much more gentler he was during this conversation. Maybe it's me and my attitude. IDK.
Anyway, I can't tell you how much better I feel just after a few visits with my physical therapist and talking to other doctors. Dr. Donato said that I may never forget which knee had the pain it but I'll be back to training soon.
So tomorrow...a nice easy 4 mile run and then a kick ass swim with Bryan Ruff.
Things are looking up.
I saw Dr. Donato again, he's the ortho doc that I'm seeing, but this time it was at work. When he saw me he asked me if I still hated him. I laughed and I told him that after I saw him I did have a hard time taking in the information and I sat in the car and cried for a while. It was amazing how much more gentler he was during this conversation. Maybe it's me and my attitude. IDK.
Anyway, I can't tell you how much better I feel just after a few visits with my physical therapist and talking to other doctors. Dr. Donato said that I may never forget which knee had the pain it but I'll be back to training soon.
So tomorrow...a nice easy 4 mile run and then a kick ass swim with Bryan Ruff.
Things are looking up.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I went for a run's what happened
So today was all about being proactive and taking care of business. I had a physical therapy appointment with Atlantic Physical Therapy. They have always been wonderful to me and really understand how important running is to me. Lucas (my PT) was completely supportive and positive. He discussed lots of options and how treatment plan. Basically we need to strengthen the entire leg so it's going to require work and commitment on my part. Not a problem.
And then there is the tape option. He taped my knee today and there was some improvement in my pain for my knee. Now I'm not sure if it was the time off or the tape...I'm hoping it was the tape so I can keep using it and keep running.
I went for an easy 4 mile run today. 8 minute miles is slow for me but I was happy to be out there. But since most of you know me pretty well, what I also love about running is being competitive and fast. Otherwise, and I hate to say it but I don't feel the same love.
Also, I'm getting a second opinion tomorrow from a Pain Management and Rehab Sports Medicine doctor tomorrow. I don't expect a miracle but I have a hard time believing that in this day and age when people can run with bionic legs and can live off of a fake heart that there isn't more options out there.
Anyway that's my little update on whats going on physically.
Otherwise, I'm very frustrated with my little ability to run and be as active as I want to be. If I have one more person act surprise that I have osteoarthritis and say ("at your age...oh my goodness) I might just go off. I'm trying to hard to be patient but it's not what I'm known for.
I do appreciate all the positive thoughts that you guys have sent my way. I appreciate and love you guys a ton.
Now I'm off to ride the damn trainer and take my glucosamine and Naproxen. haha
And then there is the tape option. He taped my knee today and there was some improvement in my pain for my knee. Now I'm not sure if it was the time off or the tape...I'm hoping it was the tape so I can keep using it and keep running.
I went for an easy 4 mile run today. 8 minute miles is slow for me but I was happy to be out there. But since most of you know me pretty well, what I also love about running is being competitive and fast. Otherwise, and I hate to say it but I don't feel the same love.
Also, I'm getting a second opinion tomorrow from a Pain Management and Rehab Sports Medicine doctor tomorrow. I don't expect a miracle but I have a hard time believing that in this day and age when people can run with bionic legs and can live off of a fake heart that there isn't more options out there.
Anyway that's my little update on whats going on physically.
Otherwise, I'm very frustrated with my little ability to run and be as active as I want to be. If I have one more person act surprise that I have osteoarthritis and say ("at your age...oh my goodness) I might just go off. I'm trying to hard to be patient but it's not what I'm known for.
I do appreciate all the positive thoughts that you guys have sent my way. I appreciate and love you guys a ton.
Now I'm off to ride the damn trainer and take my glucosamine and Naproxen. haha
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
And the Doctor says....
The good news is that my diagnosis is Osteoarthritis
The bad news is that there really isn't any real fix for this pain diagnosis. Just pain management. My ortho doc wasn't as optimistic as Dr. Bresnahan was to me.
Plan in Action
1. I already take Glucosamine
2. Shark cartilage? Cat's claw bark?
The bad news is that there really isn't any real fix for this pain diagnosis. Just pain management. My ortho doc wasn't as optimistic as Dr. Bresnahan was to me.
Plan in Action
1. I already take Glucosamine
2. Shark cartilage? Cat's claw bark?
3. Physical therapy, taping
4. Orthotics
5. New shoes...Newtons?
6. Dr. B visits
7. naproxen every day BIS
8, Synvisc shots
The Synvisc shots act as a cushion between the joints. It's temporary and it only works 6/10 patients. Here's hoping.
I'm going to be very honest with you guys about how I felt and how I still feel.
When the doc was talking to me I wanted to cry. I was angry. He acted as if there was nothing I could do. That if I had any sense at all...I should stop running. I didn't cry in front of him. I waited until I was in the elevator. I put on my glasses and walked to my car. I sat in the car and cried until I felt better.
Then I got angry. Who the fuck did he think he was to sit there and judge me? I have a runner girl tattoo on my hip?! Imagine a girl who as a runner tattoo but can't run...should I put her on crutches? I can do anything. I can withstand this pain if need be. I just can't imagine that in this time there's nothing to be done.
Now I'm in denial. (If anyone else wants to join me then they are welcome). According to Dr B, I've had this condition for a while I'm just in a flare up right now and it will be managed.
So tomorrow I have an appt with Andy Altman and I'm going to go for a run.
4. Orthotics
5. New shoes...Newtons?
6. Dr. B visits
7. naproxen every day BIS
8, Synvisc shots
The Synvisc shots act as a cushion between the joints. It's temporary and it only works 6/10 patients. Here's hoping.
I'm going to be very honest with you guys about how I felt and how I still feel.
When the doc was talking to me I wanted to cry. I was angry. He acted as if there was nothing I could do. That if I had any sense at all...I should stop running. I didn't cry in front of him. I waited until I was in the elevator. I put on my glasses and walked to my car. I sat in the car and cried until I felt better.
Then I got angry. Who the fuck did he think he was to sit there and judge me? I have a runner girl tattoo on my hip?! Imagine a girl who as a runner tattoo but can't run...should I put her on crutches? I can do anything. I can withstand this pain if need be. I just can't imagine that in this time there's nothing to be done.
Now I'm in denial. (If anyone else wants to join me then they are welcome). According to Dr B, I've had this condition for a while I'm just in a flare up right now and it will be managed.
So tomorrow I have an appt with Andy Altman and I'm going to go for a run.
Monday, June 6, 2011
MRI results -It's not pretty
1. Mild joint effusion (not too bad)
2. A full thickness chondral lession approximate 15x9mm (I'm screwed)
3. Small Medical meniscal peripheral interior corner tear, posterior body (not too bad, again)
4. No lateral meniscal or ligament tear is identified
5. No stress fracture is identified
So what does this mean....I haven't spoken to my ortho doc....I just got the report from the radiologist and I know enough to freak myself out and to be a pain in the ass. From what I've read a chondral lesion (at least the full thickness huge ass lesion that I have...from what I've read this lesion is large) does require some arthroscopic surgery. Not cool at all and no amount of glucosamine will help this. I do take it but it's not going to help now.
From what I can see..b/c I demand high impact from my knee what they suggest is debridement and then repair. Repair can be done several ways but one method is to replace the cartilage with new cartilage (hyaline cartilage).
So, I think I should prepare myself for the long haul here.
2. A full thickness chondral lession approximate 15x9mm (I'm screwed)
3. Small Medical meniscal peripheral interior corner tear, posterior body (not too bad, again)
4. No lateral meniscal or ligament tear is identified
5. No stress fracture is identified
So what does this mean....I haven't spoken to my ortho doc....I just got the report from the radiologist and I know enough to freak myself out and to be a pain in the ass. From what I've read a chondral lesion (at least the full thickness huge ass lesion that I have...from what I've read this lesion is large) does require some arthroscopic surgery. Not cool at all and no amount of glucosamine will help this. I do take it but it's not going to help now.
From what I can see..b/c I demand high impact from my knee what they suggest is debridement and then repair. Repair can be done several ways but one method is to replace the cartilage with new cartilage (hyaline cartilage).
So, I think I should prepare myself for the long haul here.
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Shamrock Week
The Finish Line
Sharmock Marathon
Breakfast with Dai and Mike D
Life is Good

Double Chocolate Banana ice cream