About Me

My photo
I grew up in Franklin, Kentucky. I moved to Virginia Beach in 2003 and in 2004 I met the gang at Final Kick. Final Kick quickly became my home away from home. I ran my first marathon in 2005 (Shamrock Marathon). It was one of the most painful and amazing experiences of my life. I ran a 3:07 and I crossed the finish line with bloody heels (the right socks are so important). I couldn't wait to run another marathon and I choose The Richmond Marathon. I loved this race and it's still one of my favorites. Shamrock 2006 was my breakout race. I won it in a time of 2:45:40 and I was ecstatic. I also qualified for the trials with this race. Over the next couple of years I graduated from Nursing school and then eventually received my Master's in Exercise Science. In 2010 I raced the Chicago Marathon in a time of 2:45:26 and again qualified for the 2012 Olympic Trials. This was an amazing day for me. And I can't wait to race in Houston 2012
"Running to him was real, the way he did it the realest thing he knew. It was all joy and woe, hard as diamond; it made him weary beyond comprehension. But it also made him free." Once a Runner

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My new blog site

Read my new post on www.reneehigh.com

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekend Running Report

So this weekend was a great running weekend. A wonderful start to picking up where I left off weeks ago. Cardiovascular wise I am still in great shape. I had no problems convincing my physical therapist Lucas that I was up for the 8 mile run on Saturday with Coach and the rest of the BDP clan and of course my good friend Kelley Taylor. He agreed and so on Saturday I ran!
Saturday morning was a beautiful, warm summer morning. I showed up right on time and the whole crew was already gathered. We set off at different times and slightly different paces but that didn't really matter b/c it was easy to feel camaraderie between us all.
I had a blast running down the trail with Kelley and we soon found ourselves running 7:10's with no issues and the best part...my knee was holding up. My stride was in full swing and I felt very comfortable. The trail looked better than usual and I was quickly reminded why I love running so much....especially with a wonderful friend (and even though she's been gone, the love is still there).
Then it was off to yoga to practice my headstands (love them!). I'm improving in my yoga as well.
Sunday was a work day but I didn't let that stop me from getting in another 8 mile run.
Ran with Andy (while he biked beside me...what a wonderful guy). Another great run and I had to hold myself back when I realized I had increased the pace to a nice, steady 6:35 pace. I admit that I did hold it for a while and only backed off b/c I didn't want to hurt my knee. Oops. Then it was 30 mins on the bike and then another quick yoga session.
Crazy busy but I feel good and I'm going to sleep well tonight.
It's really great to have Kelley back.
It was awesome to see all of my BDP friends b/c I do miss them so much.
And it's great to have running back.

Now on Tuesday I get my second injection of Synvisc and it will be another 48 hours of no running but I'm anticipating feeling even better after the 2nd injection. Of course, I'm afraid it's going to hurt even more then 2nd time b/c I still have a pretty bad bruise from the first shot and he's going to inject the same area again......so I'm a little anxious again.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So I want to go back to school. Registered Dietitian. I already have a degree BSN so from what I understand I can go back to school and just take the necessary classes to sit for the exam. Lots of people think I'm crazy and that I should stick to nursing or further my education in nursing. That's really not where I want to be in 20 years.
I eventually want to work for myself.
I also want to find the time to study yoga more in depth. Any advice?

Synvis 1

Today was a special day for many reasons. I had my first post France run with Kelley (Taylor) and I had my first injection of Synvisc into my knee. Kelley held my hand which was awesome.
First the next 48 hours no running but I can bike and swim. No hard impact just b/c of the pain that comes with having a needle pushed into your knee joint.
I'm very confident that this is all going very well. Today I had an awesome 5 mile run with Kelley and there was no pain and we kept up a pretty pace.
Let's just say......I'm not far from being my ole self.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Knee Update

Hey guys,
Just wanted to give an update on my knee. It's actually doing very well. I'm back to running. Today I ran 5 miles at a 730 pace. This is very good for me. I've been running 4-5 miles a day at an 8 minute pace so today was the fastest I've gone in a while. Yay for me!

I've been going to physical therapy for a week now. We are working on increasing the muscle strength in my left leg. The idea is to build up the muscles in the patella and created a medial patella pull. This changes the tracking of the knee joint while I run. We've been taping the knee and I've had great success so we are going in the right direction. I will have my first Synvisc injection next Tuesday and then will continue to have 2 more in the following 2 weeks.
I'm really excited about how well things are going. Thanks for all the good wishes.

Friday, June 10, 2011

A taped knee is a good knee indeed

So today was another big day for me. I ran 4 miles this morning at an 8 minute pace. No pain and no swelling. Very cool, huh. I'm very happy. According to my therapist Lucas, I need to keep the pace and distance during the weekend. I can increase my distance hopefully after Monday's visit with him. Although we are increasing distance before speed is increased. It's odd but my muscles are sore a little from the running.
I saw Dr. Donato again, he's the ortho doc that I'm seeing, but this time it was at work. When he saw me he asked me if I still hated him. I laughed and I told him that after I saw him I did have a hard time taking in the information and I sat in the car and cried for a while. It was amazing how much more gentler he was during this conversation. Maybe it's me and my attitude. IDK.
Anyway, I can't tell you how much better I feel just after a few visits with my physical therapist and talking to other doctors. Dr. Donato said that I may never forget which knee had the pain it but I'll be back to training soon.
So tomorrow...a nice easy 4 mile run and then a kick ass swim with Bryan Ruff.
Things are looking up.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I went for a run today...here's what happened

So today was all about being proactive and taking care of business. I had a physical therapy appointment with Atlantic Physical Therapy. They have always been wonderful to me and really understand how important running is to me. Lucas (my PT) was completely supportive and positive. He discussed lots of options and how treatment plan. Basically we need to strengthen the entire leg so it's going to require work and commitment on my part. Not a problem.
And then there is the tape option. He taped my knee today and there was some improvement in my pain for my knee. Now I'm not sure if it was the time off or the tape...I'm hoping it was the tape so I can keep using it and keep running.
I went for an easy 4 mile run today. 8 minute miles is slow for me but I was happy to be out there. But since most of you know me pretty well, what I also love about running is being competitive and fast. Otherwise, and I hate to say it but I don't feel the same love.
Also, I'm getting a second opinion tomorrow from a Pain Management and Rehab Sports Medicine doctor tomorrow. I don't expect a miracle but I have a hard time believing that in this day and age when people can run with bionic legs and can live off of a fake heart that there isn't more options out there.
Anyway that's my little update on whats going on physically.
Otherwise, I'm very frustrated with my little ability to run and be as active as I want to be. If I have one more person act surprise that I have osteoarthritis and say ("at your age...oh my goodness) I might just go off. I'm trying to hard to be patient but it's not what I'm known for.
I do appreciate all the positive thoughts that you guys have sent my way. I appreciate and love you guys a ton.
Now I'm off to ride the damn trainer and take my glucosamine and Naproxen. haha

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

And the Doctor says....

The good news is that my diagnosis is Osteoarthritis
The bad news is that there really isn't any real fix for this pain diagnosis. Just pain management. My ortho doc wasn't as optimistic as Dr. Bresnahan was to me.
Plan in Action
1. I already take Glucosamine
2. Shark cartilage? Cat's claw bark?
3. Physical therapy, taping
4. Orthotics
5. New shoes...Newtons?
6. Dr. B visits
7. naproxen every day BIS
8, Synvisc shots
The Synvisc shots act as a cushion between the joints. It's temporary and it only works 6/10 patients. Here's hoping.
I'm going to be very honest with you guys about how I felt and how I still feel.
When the doc was talking to me I wanted to cry. I was angry. He acted as if there was nothing I could do. That if I had any sense at all...I should stop running. I didn't cry in front of him. I waited until I was in the elevator. I put on my glasses and walked to my car. I sat in the car and cried until I felt better.
Then I got angry. Who the fuck did he think he was to sit there and judge me? I have a runner girl tattoo on my hip?! Imagine a girl who as a runner tattoo but can't run...should I put her on crutches? I can do anything. I can withstand this pain if need be. I just can't imagine that in this time there's nothing to be done.
Now I'm in denial. (If anyone else wants to join me then they are welcome). According to Dr B, I've had this condition for a while I'm just in a flare up right now and it will be managed.
So tomorrow I have an appt with Andy Altman and I'm going to go for a run.

Monday, June 6, 2011

MRI results -It's not pretty

1. Mild joint effusion (not too bad)
2. A full thickness chondral lession approximate 15x9mm (I'm screwed)
3. Small Medical meniscal peripheral interior corner tear, posterior body (not too bad, again)
4. No lateral meniscal or ligament tear is identified
5. No stress fracture is identified

So what does this mean....I haven't spoken to my ortho doc....I just got the report from the radiologist and I know enough to freak myself out and to be a pain in the ass. From what I've read a chondral lesion (at least the full thickness huge ass lesion that I have...from what I've read this lesion is large) does require some arthroscopic surgery. Not cool at all and no amount of glucosamine will help this. I do take it but it's not going to help now.
From what I can see..b/c I demand high impact from my knee what they suggest is debridement and then repair. Repair can be done several ways but one method is to replace the cartilage with new cartilage (hyaline cartilage).
So, I think I should prepare myself for the long haul here.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The bad news

So I just got back from the doctor. The xray showed some arthritis and nothing really else. So for now.........no running at all. And an MRI. I'm really sad about the no running. I'm a running junkie. But for now, it looks as if I need to focus on some other activities. Riding my bike and swimming. These aren't activities that I normally look forward to but I really have no option right now. Maybe if I find some a goal or a race to look forward to..some bike event maybe that will help.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Doc appt....keep your fingers crossed

I have a doctor appt tomorrow with an orthopedic surgeon...here's hoping that he figures out whats going on with my knee. Keep your fingers crossed please! I'll let you guys know as soon as I know.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Staying busy

So my knee has been swollen for a couple of days. I started back with yoga. I joined the studio Oceanfront yoga. They are literally 10 feet from my apartment. And today will be day 2 of no running. I'm lucky that I have a road bike and a trainer that I can set up in my living room and get a workout in at any time..........but I'm a runner not a cyclist so it's driving me a little crazy. I enjoy cycling but I hate that I have to depend on it for a workout. It doesn't feel as good as running does. I'm trying to stay strong and dedicated to my resolve of taking a couple of days off to get my knee better.
I think the knee thing is my own stupid fault. I think doing some hill repeats really bummed my knee. Actually, if you are familiar with muscles in the legs........the peronous muscles on my left leg were really tight and hurtful. I think I just hurt my leg b/c of that.
Anyway, I came up with a creative way to work out. I did 3 sets of 30 minutes on the bike and then I lifted weights and did abs in between each set.
I then baked for like 4 hours to keep myself entertained. So, I'm staying busy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My knee

Okay so my knee has been swollen for a couple of days. Well, since last Thursday so it's been a week now. I've seen my doctor....Dr. Don. I've been icing like crazy. I've been able to run but only about 8 or so miles and I have to run at an easy pace. When I'm done, I immediately have to ice again. This morning I spent 90 mins on my trainer and I lifted weights. I want to run this evening. I know I can run easy and ice and I can deal with the pain. But there's a part of me that says I should not run. What should I do?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Words into Actions

Today was a day all about action...putting my words into action.
I've always loved Yoga but I have a hard time going. Sometimes it's b/c I lose interest in an hour class or I don't want to drive but I've found an amazing place. Actually I've lived beside it for a year but I just started there recently. Oceanfront Yoga. It was wonderful. The room wasn't overcrowded with too many people. The instructor Emily was amazing. The view from the room was the best ever. It's an unobstructed view of the ocean. Truly beautiful...I loved doing yoga with a view of the ocean.

Also, today I had lunch with the owner of Norfolk's Fitness Together. There will be some interesting plans developing later. I will keep you posted

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Taking Care of Myself

So I'm someone who hates stretching. I'm inconsistent at best and I only stretch about 2-3 times a week for about 15 minutes. I really do believe I need to stretch everyday b/c this would make me a better runner..... not to mention just someone who overall is just in better shape period. But how in the world do I make myself do this.............
I need a stretching buddy! Just like I have people who run with me, I need someone who stretches with me. Who at least someone who calls me and says "Hey Renee, um did you stretch today?" I know lots of people say they stretch while they watch television. Well, I don't watch that much tv but I guess I could do that.
1. Must stretch when television is on!
When I do get on the floor to stretch my puppies believe it is play time. I guess when I'm on the floor I'm in their territory now. It's a free for all anytime I get down on the floor to stretch. I try to pretend it's puppy play time and that they are trying to help me. Although it can be hard to stretch when you have a puppy on your back.
2. Stretch after every run.
I've done this in the past. Even cutting runs short so I can stretch if I'm running out of time. This works best if it's the Tuesday/Thursday/or even Saturday run.

So what do you guys do?

Thursday, April 28, 2011


So my last post was about rejection and the rejection that I've been dealing with lately. The rejection I've been dealing with has to do with my work life. I currently work in a job that I'm not entirely happy about. My work is very stressful and it's leaves me feeling drained and often so stressed out that I 'm not very happy when I get home.
I've been doing some soul searching trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. I know people who are off traveling the world and enjoying life but I'm still here stuck in a rut. I'm stuck somwhere between wanting to be free to live my life my way and car payments, school loans, health insurance and all the other bullshit. Figuring out a way to be happy.
So I've been looking around and I've had to deal with some rejections. I don't like rejection and I hate when things don't go my way. So, every time I get knocked down it's harder to get back up. That's all.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Power of Rejection

Sometimes I'm not sure how much rejection a person must take in life. I grew up knowing that not everyone's dreams come true and that's just how it is. And last night Andy told me that Life is about rejection and I thought "how horrible is that".

But I've always thought my dreams would come true. Day after day I work at them and I've always tried to do the right things during my life but still somehow I still deal with daily disappointments and rejection. So I ask you when is it too much? How much rejection can one person take?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Don't work too hard..........It might kill you

A study released on April 5, 2011 says that if you work more than 11 hours a day it could kill you.
Basically those who work more than 11 hours a day have a higher risk for heart disease and are more prone to heart attacks. I've attached a link to the article.


I've always thought that we (most Americans) work too hard and don't take care of themselves. I see these people everyday at work. (I also work with these people -nurses and doctor tend to work way 10-12 hours a day). People who depend on medications way too much and who have never taken care of themselves. I've always lived my life putting my health first and taking care of my body both through exercise and nutrition. I don't think it takes a research article and years of studying a group of people to realize that working yourself to hard is literally working yourself to death but I am glad to see the research.
I've always wondered why doctors and nurses (people who know what inactivity) tend to be so unhealthy and I've realized that it's b/c of the long working hours and the physical difficulty of the job)
Just goes to show I'm right in living my life the way I've chosen to live. We have to realize that we need to take care of ourselves in order to not be a burden on the healthcare system ortherwise.............who knows where healthcare will be by the time we're (I'm) old.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A letter to my thighs and glutes

Dear thighs and glutes.
I know that yesterday I did something horrible to you. I went to a bootcamp class where they made you do lunges and squats repeatedly. And now you must pay for it. You are so sore and stiff I can barely move you guys. It hurts to walk and to sit down. It's 0830 and I still haven't taken the dogs for a walk because I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to walk them. I'm so sorry.
The worst part is........I have a tempo run tonight from Final Kick and I feel that this is really going to hurt. And then, I hate to break the news to you but we have another class tomorrow morning. I have no idea how we will get through this but we will try.
In one of those life is unfair bits Andy walked out of here this morning without even a wince. I wonder if he is hurting as much as we are.
Once again, I am sorry but we will get through this. We are strong! We have the legs of a champion. Thank you for all that you do.

Love, Renee

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Even if it kills you.........

For me, it's very important to support those who are important to you in life. So this morning I got up really early 0450 and went to a bootcamp class with Andy. I know how important it is to me to have someone to run with so I can understand needing someone to go to an exercise class with him. Especially if you don't know anyone and it's your first class.
So.........this morning I did more lunges, squats, burpees, and mountain climbers than I've ever done before. My glutes are gonna hurt like hell tomorrow morning. They are already kinda stiff. Then I went for my own workout this morning after that. A nice run with Dai and Mike........then they tried to kick my butt.
So now I'm exhausted and I think I need a nap. OMG
But hey, what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The one about Pat B and Dai R

So today I am one week out from my last marathon. Probably dealing with a little post race blues. It's always hard to figure out the perfect balance between recovering after a marathon race and just being lazy. LOL. Today I ran 10 miles with a couple of friends and they ran way faster than I thought we were going to run. I was thinking 6:40's and for a while we were keeping 6:17's. I was like wait a minute this is race pace for me.........I'm suppose to be recovering. Anyway, halfway through the run I slowed it down and tried to enjoy running on a beautiful day instead of trying to run my ass off and keep up with the boys ( I love you Pat and Dai).

I've also been really tired lately. Not quite sure what's up with that but I took a nap anyway.

Think I will now get on the trainer to ride for about an hour. That should help my post race blues a little bit

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's not how many times you fall off the horse but how many times you get back on.
Even though I haven't spoken to many people about last Sunday it's obvious I didn't have a great race and I didn't finish it. It's hard for me to discuss these things b/c I get emotional and I get pretty upset with myself. The day wasn't my day. I went out faster than what was smart, my left shoe came untied (this is where I began to lose focus mentally), I threw up green Gatorade at mile 13.....I hung in for a while but after a while I knew that the day wasn't mine.
I didn't want to lose my training. So I decided to run the National Marathon up in DC. After talking with Coach I knew that I had to work on my mental thinking and adjust my mental talk. Think positive. Focus on taking one step after another.
The race was a little different. The marathon started with the half marathoners so it was a little interesting at first. It didn't take very long before I knew who was my competition. She was a Russian girl.
The first half of the race was very hilly. Long steep uphills and long sharp downhills. The leader and I kept pace beside each other for the first half of the race (until about mile 18). At this time the fatigue starting setting into my legs and I began to fall off the pace a bit. It was actually a conscious decision b/c I really wanted to finish feeling strong. The course evened out until mile 23 or 24 when we entered a residential area and it started going back into steep hills.
Overall, it was a good race. I was pleased with the finish. The most important part to me was being strong and steady and finishing well. I was a little upset or maybe I should say confused b/c my training and been going so well and I really thought that I had a PR in me.
I do have changes I want to make to my training program that I think will improve my race in a couple of months.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Only a few days to go

So it's Wednesday night and I'm in full taper mode which means I'm slowly driving myself crazy. I have all the time in the world on my hands right now with nothing useful to do (and I have to stay off my feet). I'm anxious all day long and then I sleep like the dead during the night. I'm so tired which is crazy b/c I'm not training hard core.
I had a great run today with my running peeps. I hit marathon pace with no problem on the boardwalk........running into the wind.
Wore my racing flats, racing socks, gloves and singlet.
My singlet......I'm hoping it's ready by Sunday........I had it tailored to fit me better. I'm not sure if that's weird but I was tired of it being to large around me. It was the strangest small I've ever seen.
Anyway, so far.........so good.
I hope everyone's taper is going well.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

time to Taper

The Shamrock Marathon is a week away. Well if we want to be technical it's less than a week.......by now next week I will be napping b/c I will be exhausted from all the Shamrock Festivities.
These past couple of months have been wonderful. It's been some of the best training that I've ever had.
-Great longs runs
-Perfect paced tempo runs
- a happy life/wonderful friends
- and an awesome coach
I've felt very comfortable during my longs runs.....so much that my 20 miles runs weren't as mentally tough as I thought. I took this as a good sign.
I feel like this race is going to be a good one for me. I'm ready mentally and physically.
The taper week can be tough. It's a time for rest but all the rest makes a runner begin to feel restless. This restless feeling creates anxiety and it makes me feel like I need to go out an run. Which I can't b/c I'm suppose to be resting and only running a little. Agh.
Running a marathon is very tough mentally and physically. It's a long distance with lots of variables (nutrition, water, wind/weather). And anything can happen. A runner does their best to control whatever they can but in the end it's all in God's hands.
So this is the taper week. It's a week to rest, relax, eat good food, stay off the feet, and get a massage. I've spent weeks mentally envisioning the race and how it will go. I can't wait to see how it's all going to play out.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yoga.......to do or not to do?

I really like yoga. I love the feeling I get when a class is over and I feel flexible and relaxed. The problem I have is that I usually end up getting hurt or something b/c I try to be like all the other yogi's who practice everyday. So the question is.......is yoga good for running.
According to Runner's World "Yoga realigns the body and releases tension from connective tissue," (Sharon Stocker, mind/body editor of Prevention magazine and a veteran yoga instructor) . The musculoskeletal realignment comes from stretching and an emphasis on proper posture.
We all know that running causes microscopic tears to the muscle fibers and when they begin to heal, they tend to bunch up and shorten if there's no stretching. Also, with our daily stresses at work, at home, and trying to squeeze in a workout our muscles become tight. The result: misaligned muscles are stiffer and less efficient which is something you don't want after all the hard work that's been done with training)
Yoga can help flexibility and strength so practicing yoga a couple times a week is very beneficial. And the result is more flexibility and reduced injury risk. And better overall strength can only help your running.

But let's not forget the cost of yoga. Yoga is expensive. If you dropped into a yoga class the price is about 10-20 dollars. If you buy a package then the cost will decrease to something like 10 dollars a class. That cost will add up and that can be difficult to afford in these hard economic times. There might even be a time constraint. A small solution could be buying a dvd and doing it at home. Maybe a group of people could get together and everyone buys a yoga dvd and you could take turns. Finding what works for you is important.

I've practiced yoga a couple of times this week. It's easier when I'm tapering to get yoga into my schedule. My goal is to integrate yoga into my training schedule whether I'm doing it at home or if I'm going to a yoga studio

Saturday, March 5, 2011

20 miler

This was a beautiful morning. The temperature was great and the sky was beautiful. There was an amazing turn our at Final Kick..........just tons of people everywhere. Today was one of my last 20 mile runs before the marathon. I ran it with Dai.......who made sure to keep me on pace.
I'm really hoping for a great Shamrock. I've been running very well and the 20 mile runs have rocked better than ever.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Colonial Half Marathon

If you decide you need to add some serious hills to your training or if you think that you are awesome at hills then you need to head up to Williamsburg and do the Colonial Half Marathon. This race will kick your butt and send you home limping and crying. Once again, I put my legs up to the challenge of a hilly and difficult course.
This race starts at 1pm so it's kind of hard to get in the rhythm that this is going to be a serious race with some difficult hills. The good thing is that by mile 1 you know that things could get rough. The first 3 miles are a challenge, it's a constant up and down and sometimes the down can be quite steep and your shins and feet really take a pounding. After the first 4 the hills weren't as steep but they were still there.
The last 5k were the hardest for me. I could feel the fatigue setting in (I felt last weeks races on the legs) and I really slowed the pace down. I wish I had been stronger on this part of the race. I wish I could have pulled it together and really powered through the hills. Even the very end was up a stinking hill. I will be better prepared next time for this race.
In retrospect, I liked the course. I would love to run it again.......knowing what's ahead of me. Also, after all the races I've done in Virginia this past year............I've realized I need to get stronger on the hills.
The race was really well organized. The course was lonely but I knew exactly where to go on the course as all times. All in all it was a good running day. Got in a solid 18.5 miles...........but I am done with hilly courses for quite some time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Washington Running Report -Va is for Lover's 14k


This article was posted on the Washington Running Report website.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Don't mess with Austin!

First of all let me begin by saying that Austin TX is a beautiful fun city that makes you want to get out and run/bike. People seem very young and active in Austin.
Let me also say that these people are crazy b/c the hills in Austin are no joke. I'm both envious that they get to train there and also glad that I don't have to try and run there to recover from yesterday's run.
Race morning was beautiful. The air was crisp and the sky was very pretty. It was still a little dark when the race began at 0700. The second turn of the race lead us into 6 miles of hills and head wind. There was just no relief from the wind until after mile 6 and the only time you weren't going up a hill is when you were going down one. It was a constant up and down, up and down.
First and Second place female had a cyclist beside her. I was very grateful for mine b/c it help me stay focus and in the game. Also, he knew that by the end the hills were really getting to me so he tried to encourage me and let me know what was ahead of me. Thank goodness. The worst of the hills ended up being at mile 11.7. It was a killer. I don't see how cars get up that hill. It would be horrible if that's where your car broke down b/c the only place it can go is down. This is also where I learned that Lance was fast on my heels. I did not want to get past my Lance Armstrong. How humiliating would it be to get past my one of the world's most amazing athletes and 7 time Tour de France winner?! (totally kidding, I's bow to him in a heartbeat).
The post race was nothing to brag about though. The best thing was the company and the Jamba Juice (we really need one of these in Va Beach)
And then it was off to the airport. The flights went well and I'm very glad to be home. I kind of miss Austin already and I wish I'd had more time to hang out. I'd also love to train on those hills. But as always, I'm glad to be back at the Beach!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn

I am in Austin and it is fabulous. The weather is warm but since I'm only doing the half I should be good. Poor Jfab is doing the Full.
The plane ride from VaBch went really well. Nothing great to report.
We have an amazing view from our hotel. It of a river and it has a running trail beside it. This morning we've seen several people out having crew practice.
I'm sitting in the business center right now while Jfab is sleeping upstairs. He's already threaten several times to write horrible race reports concerning me. He says I'm high maintenance (HM). But I disagree. Just b/c I put my running shoes on the floor and then began freaking out b/c I thought I had forgotten them doesn't mean I'm HM.........just forgetful b/c your yelling that I'm late and to hurry up. LOL
FYI, as a side note
There's a guy who is sitting in the business center with me on another computer who is a total @$$hole..........he's upset b/c I'm on this computer and the computer he is on won't print. He's angry that his computer won't print and the one I'm on does print. If he had been nice to me I would have moved but from the very beginning he had been nothing but rude to me so I'm not moving at all......I know that's really mean but I'm a firm believer in you catch more flies with honey instead of being a jackass to someone.
And b/c I'm a vegetarian we had to look for a place that served nonmeat options for dinner. We ate at PF Chang. Don't let Jfab lie to you....I gave him bites of my dinner which had tofu in it and he loved it. And of course we split the most amazing chocolate cake. It was huge. I seriously it was meant for 2-3 people to eat.
I can't wait to go to the expo. I always find them so exciting. The clothes, the people, and all the free swag........you can just feel how excited everyone is.
Since it's the LIVESTRONG race I'm hoping Lance is there. Love Lance Armstrong
The city (what I've seen so far-the downtown area) is really cool. People running, cycling, crewing (if that's a word) and you can see people working out in their apt or condo gyms as well. Everyone is so healthy. Except for the whole meat eating part. Huge buildings and everything. Just seems like fun. Even the cab driver from the airport was super nice.
So like I said...........so far we are having the best time. (Besides the little butthole old man who's already left the room)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Austin.......we are a Go.

So I'm preparing for my Austin Half Marathon (set for Sunday) and I'm already getting anxious. I believe getting anxious is good.........it means I still have something to prove to myself. And it keeps me on my toes and working hard.
I'm really excited. Everyone who I've spoken to about Austin says that its an amazing city and lots of fun. I've been to Houston and I thought it was beautiful so I'm sure Austin will not disappoint. I'm flying down tomorrow where I will be meeting Jfab. He will be running the full marathon (good luck to him). I'm glad he will be there to hang out with........it will be fun to catch up and hang out. Just hanging out, picking up our packets, and resting.
I have an interesting link concerning the race on Sunday.
It tells all about the course and gives you tips. Its kind of a fun read.

Anyway, I'm prepared and I'm ready. yay. I got an amazing massage from Rebecca at Balance and I plan on staying off my feet.
I will give you guys an update after the race. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This is The Life

This morning was one of those mornings that was just amazing. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the ocean water was a vivid blue and very calm, and the runner partners rocked. I had the pleasure of meeting Mike D and Dai Roberts for a morning run. The scenery was stunning (the Virginia Beach Oceanfront).
The first couple of miles were easy and fun. Light conversation with a huge tail wind. Once we turned around at first street........the last couple of miles were straight into a huge head wind. I tucked in behind Mike for the most part......it's not cheating......it's called being smart. And the way I see it....I'm really helping him out by making him a stronger runner. We finished up and decided it was time for breakfast.
This is always the best part. A great run, good food, great conversations, and wonderful friends. We ate at Big Sam's (Mike's favorite place and apparently the best pancakes in the Hampton Roads area). The pancakes were great. I ate mine with strawberry jelly and they were wonderful. We spent most of the time discussing running, Trader Joe's, and memories.
As always the great time had to end and it was time to go home. But that's okay b/c the best part.............is that with where we live......it will happen again real soon.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

VA is for Lovers 14K

What can I say? J&A Racing pulled off another great event. I was impressed from the moment I arrived. The very first thing I noticed was how smooth parking went. You knew exactly what to do and everything was fast and efficient. The race started right on time and the course was well marked. The ice was not my friend (and Steve Speirs chose those moments to make his move) but at least it was well marked! It was awesome seeing Dai Roberts on the course not once, not twice, but three times. Finishing in the SportPlex rocked. I don't know why it's so cool to finish inside but it is..........maybe b/c it makes you feel as if everyone can see you finish. The most amazing thing was how the awards started right on time. I hate when race awards take forever. While waiting for the awards we did get to listen to Rock Star Parking........I loved it when a girl who had just broken up with her BF b/c he cheated on her sang "I will survive". She had tons of energy and even though she didn't know all the words (she did way better than I would have) she made up for it all in enthusiasm. She was fun.

The race went really well. I felt great and the legs were strong. It was chilly in the morning.......I did warm up very quickly but I also got really cold the moment I stopped inside the sportplex. It was just another really great Saturday.
I'm not one of these runners who watches my Garmin the entire time. I basically use it to make sure I'm never going too fast. But everytime I looked at my Garmin I was pleased with the pace. I would love to give you a play by play of each mile but it all just goes by so quickly for me.
Basically what I can remember is that Steve left me between 3-4. There was a really cool dj guy right around mile 5. I wish I could have stopped at the Candy Corner but I didn't have the time. I almost caught Steve and Tom Purcell but I didn't. And my shoes got really muddy from running in the mud. LOL.
Thanks Steve for another awesome run. Thanks Dai for cheering me on. And it was great to see Pat Bowler at the race cheering for us. (He ran all the way to the SportPlex from his house (13 miles and then another 5 while watching up run)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just another evening at Final Kick-I don't think so.

So today is a couple of days before I plan on racing the Va is for Lover's 15K so I did an easy morning run instead of going to do tempo with the Final Kick group. But I went to Final Kick b/c I knew the infamous Dai Roberts is back in town and I knew that he would be there.......he didn't let me down. It was great to chat with him...it was like he had never left.

While I was there I was able to sell a pair of compression tights. The customer asked for help and I was available to help her. I didn't realize how much I actually knew about them. Compression tights are wonderful training aids. They help promote recovery after hard workouts and are great to wear if you have to travel long distance after racing (flying or driving on long trips).
Compression tights are wonderful after hard training sessions. They help promote blood flow which can decrease fatigue and muscle stiffness. I've experienced this personally after track sessions and long runs.
When sitting down, blood can pool in your lower extremities (this is bad) and compression tights can help promote blood flow which will decrease swelling (edema) in your legs. Instead of fluid and blood settling in your legs which can damage your veins and cause blood clots, the tights help keep the fluid and blood in circulation and back to your heart (so it can be redistributed)
I really think the tights are wonderful. I also use the the socks at work. I'm on my feet a lot so I use the socks to help prevent swelling. I think they work.....and I know other nurses use them as well.
Anyway, it was fun to help out for once at the store. And it was wonderful to see Dai. I think we are all glad he is back.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mentally Tough

Last night someone said to me "How do you keep going after it gets tough? How do you not give up? I have trouble with the negative thoughts in my head." I thought this was a wonderful question. There have been many times when I've had to deal with negative thoughts
1. When the pace becomes difficult.
2. When the fatigue is beginning to set into my legs.
3. When I have a girl beside me who is pushing the pace and I'm wondering if I can keep going.
These thoughts enter my mind during training runs and in races. These thoughts are normal. I don't know anyone who hasn't dealt with negative thoughts in their head. I can remember having them back in high school. I can remember a high school race (I believe it was the state cross-country championship race) where I was 5th and we were coming up on mile 1 and thinking I'm already hurting...I'm in 5th place....I really want to stop........maybe I should fake an injury. These thoughts actually crossed my mind!! Now I didn't fake an injury and I kept going. I finished 6th overall (damnit) and it was a great race in the end. The point is....we have to face these negative thoughts. You have to change your mindset. Focus on something else.
When I have these negative thoughts I refocus on my race and I push through it. I think one of my strengths is my mental capabilities. Mentally I'm strong. I refocus on my body, on my pace, doing what I know I can do and pushing my body. That's what I tell people. Once you are concerned on what other people are doing or you are thinking about how much further it is until the end you have lost focus on the race (or training run). Also, you can think about the entire run or workout b/c that can be overwhelming. When I go out for a 20 mile run I'm not thinking I have 20 miles to run. Instead I break it up...I think about the first 5 miles or maybe I think about getting to the visitors center, 64th street, 1st street-great now I'm heading back home to 64th street-and now it's only 5 miles back (this only works if you live in Va Beach and you know what I'm talking about). The point is you have to find mental strength and that takes practice. Practice mental strength on your workouts. Track, tempo runs, and your long runs are great for this type of training.
Jerry Frostick (owner of J & A Racing-director of Shamrock Marathon) told me that he believes running ,especially marathons, are 90% mental. I believe he is correct. Once you lose focus, and if you don't regain it quickly, the race is already over and you have lost.
So practice being mentally tough. I know you can do it.

Love to my new kicks and my awesome training partners

This morning I ran 7.61 miles with Mike D. (I'll write 7.5 in my training planner tho) and it was awesome. We had a really good run. The wind was perfect and the sun was out. We always meet at 34th street b/c that's where I live so we always have the pleasure of running on the boardwalk or in the park. We are very lucky. I ran in my new shoes (Brooks ST Racer-thank you very much Final Kick) b/c I'm making sure they are broke in before I race in them (VA is for Lovers 14K on Feb 12th) and b/c I'm thinking of training in shoes that are similar to these.
(btw, if you don't race or train in flats I strongly suggest you try it b/c they really change make you feel faster and they make your feet feel lighter which is awesome for race day)
Let me explain, for probably the past 5 years I have trained in the same shoe Saucony Omni (which is a great shoe and I love it) but it's made to be a stability shoe (moderate stability) and it has extra cushioning. This shoe has served me wonderfully but I'm wondering if maybe my foot strike has changed (since Bill Bernard took over my coaching b/c I know he has worked on changing my stride) and if I need a shoe with less stability now. This is all speculation. I still need to talk to Jim Golden (owner of Final Kick) and have him re-evaluate my foot strike. If you've never had a professional look at your feet to help you get the right shoe...you really should. Helps prevent injuries.

So this morning was an awesome training run. Mike and I had a great steady pace out to 64th street and down to the Narrows-on the way back we really picked up the pace and had a nice steady run. I really appreciate the importance of a good training partner. Having one always makes the workout more fun, passes the time, and usually makes you work harder and better. Great examples would be my girlfriend Sika and me lifting weights at the rec center and then Mike and me running this morning. Great and wonderful times. They really allow you to bond and to get to know and love your training partner/new best friend. I know I can trust Mike and Sika with anything and that they will always be there for me (and Mike doesn't complain about my bathroom breaks-lol).

After my run and stretching I did about 25 minutes of yoga. I love yoga b/c it's wonderful stretching and core work. I have to be careful with yoga b/c I can (and I've done it in the past) get injured with yoga. I have to remember I'm not a yogi and I will get hurt it I stretch too deeply. I love the deep breathing and the whole mind body connection. It's an amazing feeling. When you finish you feel limber, stretched and you do feel more connected to your own soul. If you haven't tried it.......I suggest you do. If you've tried it in the past and you didn't like it.......maybe it's time to grab a friend and go again.

Now I get some time to relax and catch up on my todo list. Tonight I have track with coach and I have a feeling it's gonna be tough and intense. The number and intensity of the mile repeats are increasing and I think we are going to be doing 2x1.5 mile repeats very soon. Ouch.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A 20 miler

20 miles is never easy. I don't care how many times you to it. It never gets easier. Today was a 20 mile run. To a runner, it sounds great in theory but as always actually doing it is a lot more painful. Started at Hot Tuna and ran all the way to 1st street and back. 2:18mins which is an average of 6:55. The boardwalk section (2.5 miles) really brought down our time b/c of the head wind. We saw a couple of 7 min miles and the rest of the way every time I looked at my watch we were in the 6:40's. The pace was hard. The legs were tired. Mentally, I was able to keep it going but there were times when I wanted to just slow it down but I couldn't b/c I had to stay with Billy Chorey. Once Coach even gave me an out by saying "hey when we get to the end if you want you can go straight instead of doing the extra in the neighborhood". When it came to that point (about 19.5) I wanted to take the out but I knew that later I would regret it deeply......so I kept it up. All the way baby!
Like I said, 20 miles is never easy but the feeling is always amazing. Something to thing about when you are on your long run.

Upcoming Races

VA is for Lovers 14K Feb 12th Virginia Beach VA
Austin Half Marathon February 20th in Austin TX
Shamrock Half Marathon March in Virginia Beach VA

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Does it matter if he won't say I Love You?

This topic is a little different than my usual topic but it's something I've been thinking (and perhaps struggling with) for a few weeks. If your significant other can't (or won't) say I love you does it matter?
Are these words that are important? Do we, in our western culture, place too much emphasis on these three little words?
I've been in relationships in the past that didn't last despite being told I Love You. I have a good friend who just broke up with his girlfriend and they had said those three little words to each but yet they only lasted about 6 or so months. What is it about these words? Why do we only think our relationship is credible once we have heard these words? In the end, they don't mean that the relationship will last. But somehow these words bring comfort, hopes, and dreams.

So if you are in a good relationship where there is mutual respect, you have a lot of the same values, dreams, and goals, you love being together, and everything is good............does it matter that those words haven't been reciprocated.

The importance of massage

It is well known that running can cause muscle soreness, muscle damage, and reduced muscle function. From the newest beginner to the most experienced of runners, virtually all runners frequently experience the muscle pain associated with running.
A massage is a very important component of training, which can be used to promote recovery and enhance performance.

When training at a high level it is hard for the body to recover sufficiently, which can cause a decrease performance as well as injuries. Without proper recovery, an athlete may never reach their fullest potential. There are a lot of athletes who do not give their bodies enough rest between exercise bouts, and in the long run end up cheating themselves, or worse injured. Recovery is just as important to a strength and conditioning program as the program design itself, and should always be included. Massage techniques can promote blood flow and stimulation to muscles, which will bring in more nutrients to the muscles. In fact, a massage can be just as restoring or more to your muscles as a mid day nap.

Point to take home
Find a good place to get regular massages. You will find these beneficial and your body will thank you.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Track workout

Tuesday night is almost always a track session for me. And no matter what I always find myself grateful that I have the ability to choose to run around in a circle no matter how hot or cold it is (because it seems that hot and cold are the only 2 temperatures we have in at the Beach) and last night was no different. But last night was a struggle for me. It was a hard workout for me mentally b/c the legs (and the hip) were tired and hurting. It takes a while to fully recover from a 20 mile run (on Saturday) and my body was still feeling the ouch. My mile was fine. I hit the time that coach wanted 5:23, It seemed that I struggled with the speed stuff (ugh). The first 400 was tough. I hit it in 75 seconds instead of 70 and who knows why. It could have been the legs or just that I had no one behind me pushing me. The second one I recovered with a 68 (much better but didn't make up for the blistering 75). The 200's have never been my favorite which is why I think Coach loves them so very much. He usually does us a favor by not timing them.........well that wasn't the plan last night. Not only was he time but he was critiquing as well.
The workout was just tough. But as coach says, "It's a workout not a race. You just have to get through it." And I did.
The whole point is....it doesn't matter how much we love our sport, sometimes it just tough and we have to get through it. Sometimes there is a part of us that doesn't want to be there and we have to get through it. This is what separates a runner or a swimmer (or pick your sport) from just the weekend warrior or the fair weather athlete. You are out there training.......even when you kinda of don't want to be. And of course having your coach there also helps :-)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Treadmill is your Friend

Last Thursday Andy was talking to a buddy of his about working out. He told him that all Renee needed to get a fully body workout was a stick and a chair. I've been working out for a while and he's almost correct. I can get a workout in without using any special equipment. One of my favorite sites to get motivation and workouts is Nike Women on facebook. They totally rock.
So the headline reads the treadmill is your friend. I really want people to think about this during the cold weather and when it's just miserable outside. You can use the treadmill to get a small run in for the day. It's a mindset. You can do it. The treadmill can be used to get in an awesome workout and you can walk away feeling like you did your body good and you mentally overcame the treadmill. I do all different sort of workouts on the treadmill!
This morning my workout included 1.5 mile intervals at a 7min pace (I have track tonight so I didn't push it
Then I did 3 sets of planks (these aren't your usual planks but involve alternating raising R arm and L leg with L arm and R leg) alternating with bicycle crunches.
Along with 2 sets of Walk Out Pushups to a Swivel
And some intense lower ab leg raises on the bench.
And tricep dips
The point is I keep my heart rate up the entire time
I immediately got back on the treadmill for another 1.5 mile interval.
I kept this up until I was finished with my 5 miles.
Also during this workout I incorporated dumbbells for bicep curls and side crunches

When I was finished running I completed any exercise that I had left to finish and added anything that I still wanted to make sure I did for the day. For example, I didn't do my 1 legged squats until after I was finished running.

Then I stretched. And headed home. This morning I was able to get in a good run on the treadmill and I worked out my major muscle groups.
Besides knowing my abs are going to hurt tomorrow (b/c they are already sore) I feel great.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

One helluve weekend, I'm glad its almost over

This weekend was one of the busiest weekends I've ever had. I'm exhausted. Combining my running with having house guests............I'm ready for the weekend to be over. LOL. On Friday, I ran an indoor 5k track meet at CNU. My time posted was 17:53. Not my best, and I thought it would be faster on an indoor track meet...........I think it was hard for me to get into the right groove. Several factors played into it....running alone, passing on the corners ( I hate doing this but it was inevitable) and I'm sure there were other factors. I did my best and I can live with that. The hardest part of indoor track is the instant dry mouth that occurs and then for me............I spend the next few days sneezing my head off and watery eyes. I don't know why this occurs but I was prepared for it. Tissues, halls and dayquil.
Then I had to go see a play at the Wells Theater. It was so much fun but I didn't get to bed until midnight and I had to be up early for the Distance Series 25k. (FYI...the musical was called Sckbstd {Sick Bastard} and it was comical and sweet)
I knew that I wanted to run 20 miles on Saturday so I had to stick to my guns and get up and run. Saturday at 0715 I was dragging. I parked at 64th street and ran into the park to the registration table for bib/chip pickup. I was a good 10 minutes late if not more b/c I was dragging but as soon as I started I got right into the groove. It was kind of fun starting a little late b/c I did spend the entire time trying to chase some people but it would have been nice to run with Steve Speirs. I ended up with a 1:40:10. I was happy with it b/c I knew I had ran a track meet about 12 hours ago and I do think I was a little tired. Not completely recovered. Anyway. I got in my entire 20 mile run and I felt great about it.
As always I love the support that everyone gave me yesterday while I was running. It really helps and it keeps me going. So I'm very appreciative. People were very funny, making joking comments about if I would catch them and how many times I passed them. I love hanging out with other people on the trails.
Also, watching coach almost run over another runner yesterday was priceless. I felt bad for the poor guy but poor coach didn't even see him and I don't think the runner was anticipating coach (the guy on the bike) turning his bike around. Hilarious.
Then I had to plan a dinner party for a small group of people (8). Once again it was beyond fun but I woke up this morning with a pounding headache and a slightly swollen knee. Body's message to me, you are taking a freaking break today, regardless what you think you are NOT a machine.
Non runners like to judge those of us who are faithful runners. But there's a reason I go to bed early and get lots of hours of sleep. Dear God I need it. With that being said. I'm going to finish icing my knee and go take a nap.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm a hard person to read

Let me begin by saying, I’m a very private person and I know that I am hard to get to know but it really is hard for me to put myself out there for others to see and to criticize.

Jenn Shelton came up to me once (this was probably around 2004 or 2005 and told me that I was much nicer than she had previously thought I was. I thought this comment was odd…….I’m a friendly person and people like me, right? I questioned her on this comment and apparently people had asked if her if I was nice and how come I didn’t smile more and wave while I was running on the trails. I thought, why would I, I’m here to work. This is serious to me. But after that I did make an effort to smile more and to be more approachable to others. And I do think it’s worked. More people come up to me and say hi now. I want people to talk to me!!!!!!!!!! LOL


A couple of years later Kelly Taylor told me someone similar. She had a hard time getting to know me and commented “You are a hard person to get to know but I’ve learned that with the amount of training that you do, it’s merely self preservation.” What she meant it that my whole life is dedicated to training.

When I go to a race, I’m serious about it. I spend the majority of my life training. I run twice a day and if I lift weights that means I’ve worked out 3 times that day. On days I work, I get up at 0430 to run before work and then when I leave work I might have to work out again. I sleep a lot b/c I’m tired. I also have a life to take care of just like everyone else (bills, dogs, errands, cleaning ect.). This doesn’t leave time for socializing. I rarely go to parties. I don’t go to clubs. I don’t drink. And I don’t stay out past 8 or 9pm b/c I’m tired and I have to run in the morning. So, wow don’t I sound like a lot of fun. LOL. This means I don’t have a lot of friends unless they are runners. I’ve isolated myself. Don’t get me wrong, for the most part I’m okay with this. I’ve chosen this life and I love it. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Occasionally, I wish I had more time to hang out with other people and make more friends but there’s only so much time in the day and I can only do what I can.

Point is……..I’m a hard person to get to know. I’m very private and I don’t give a lot at first. But I think once someone takes the time to get to know me……I end up making lasting friendships. Ones that are real and stand the test of time.

I love my running buddies!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Inspiration for me.

Running will always be there for you. You just have to find your way back.

To answer your questions

Lately I've been asked some questions about compression socks........do I use them, why do I use them, do I think they work.

To answer, Yes I do use compression socks. I use them in a couple of different situations. I use them when I travel, especially if I've raced and then I have to travel. The idea is....that blood can pool in your lower extremities which can cause a lot of stress on your veins which will lead to other problems....using compression socks will help keep the blood circulating and prevent the pooling. This will prevent edema and will help circulate fresh blood which will decrease fatigue. I also wear compression socks to work. I'm on my feet alot at work and this helps prevent edema and fatigue on my poor legs. ( I will want to prevent varicose veins). These socks basically promote recovery and I'm a believer. In the end, it can't hurt anyway. And heck yeah, they keep you warm.

Also, I've been asked if I lift weights. I'm a firm believer in lifting weights also. I prefer free weights b/c I feel I get a better workout and also I can do lots of different exercises instead of doing the same ones every time. If you use the machines.......those are fine but the muscles will get use to the same exercises and then basically that exercise no longer works as well. You have to change it up in order for the muscles to keep responding. It's kind of like getting in a rut and not seeing results anymore.
I believe the core muscles are so important. These muscles need to stay strong b/c once these muscles are tired you are going to lose form and will become inefficient. Once the core muscles are tired that's when I believe it's all over. So yes, I do work out 2-3 times a week, doing different exercises but always working the muscles. We are runners......we don't want to get big but we do want to be strong. Also, it's good for us ladies to keep our bones strong.

Hope this helps.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Frosty Bite 15K

I got up this morning at 0515 and headed up to Richmond VA to run the Frosty Bite 15K. I was pretty excited b/c I hadn't raced in Richmond since the Richmond Marathon in 2005. The morning was beautiful but without a doubt the coldest race morning I've ever encountered. The race has an usual start. Everyone gets on the starting line and about 150 meters ahead is a stop light. When the light turns red that's the Go signal. After the first mile I had a girl come up beside me, that's pretty much where she stayed until the very end. At the end of the race, she took the initiative and out kicked me at the end. Looking back, I just want to kick myself.
Why wasn't I more aggressive? (There's that thin line b/w aggressive and running yourself into the ground

Could I have done better?

Am I weak? (Mentally, sometimes I fight with myself)

Damnit, I can't believe I let her get me in the end!! (What am I? A wimp?)

I ended up with a 56:20 (she out kicked me by 1 second) so averaged 6:03 pace not bad considering I felt I could have held that pace for a while and the course was very hilly. Also, not bad considering 1 week ago today I was struck with nausea/vomiting and on a clear liquid diet.

I had to admit.............. I hated taking 2nd place. I felt I let it go at the very end.

A weaker person might hang her head and just say "obviously this is the pace I was meant to run. " Not me, I want more and it only fuels my hunger and my need for speed.
I strongly recommend this race. It was fun and it was small.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I am a Runner

This morning I had a thought...I am a runner. Many of you may be thinking, um duh we all know that but just let me explain and I think you might understand. As far back as I can remember I've been running. Running is some of my earliest memories. I remember running in 1st grade during the field events. Or running up and down my road............I grew up on a farm and it was a long gravel road..........after school playing or during the summer. In 5th grade I challenged a boy I liked to a race. I kicked his butt and then he didn't like me anymore. The true fun began when I met a man named Coach Leathers. I didn't realize on the first day of track how this day was going to define the rest of my life. This day I was on my way to finding my place in this crazy world and becoming comfortable with myself. I finally had found who I was. To most people track in high school is just a happy memory. I hear it all the time, "Oh I ran track back in high school" or "I ran track back in high school, I use to be pretty good at it. Those were the days". When people (teachers or relatives) would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I never really had an answer. I knew what to say, "Oh, I'm going to be a history teacher" or I want to learn about psychology b/c I'm thinking that would be interesting." They always loved my answer. I picked a college b/c I was able to run there. I didn't really care how much it cost or what type of education they were going to offer me. I only knew I was going to be able to run and that's all I cared about.
Some of the darkest times in my life involved me not running. And involves me not being able to share my love of running with others. I love running. But I also love being able to share running. For me, the shared experience makes it more enjoyable and fun.
But I'm getting off track (haha.....pun was totally not intended). The point is, I've been searching for what I want to be when I grow up. There's this part of me that feels I grew up and became a nurse and that's not enough for me. That's not what I want out of life. Being a nurse doesn't fulfill me in the same way that running does. I'm not sure if there is anything else out there that will ever provide me with the feelings I associate with running.
So this morning as I was dragging my sleep deprived body out of bed (I worked the late shift at work and then didn't sleep at all during the night) and getting ready to go run it occurred to me........I am a Runner. No matter what else I do with my life...........I am a Runner

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A hard week

So this week has presented itself with some challenges. The biggest and most major challenge would be my car breaking down. Now I knew it would happen eventually. My car is 10 years old. I got her when I was a senior and high school and we've had some great times together. Let's see, I can remember when I first got her I made people (mainly my cross country buddies) take off their shoes. Then I got hand towels and put them in the floor (b/c my cc buddies complained). We went off to college together. She went to Charleston SC when I lived there and up here to the beach when I moved here. She has been so good to me and I just couldn't imagine not having her in my life. On my way to work my car overheated. I made it to work (barely) before she turned herself off. Andy who has been so amazing to me this week took care of the situation b/c I was working. Tow truck called (and he waited for the tow truck guy) and off my car went to John (citgo off shore and west great neck). So, couple hundred dollars later (a new radiator) and Andy taking me to and from work..........I have my car back. I can't complain, my car has treated me very well and in return I try to treat her very well. She's 10 with only 132,000 miles on her. I'm hoping she makes it another couple of years. I'm not ready to part with her and a car with no payment is invaluable (and very green). So here's a huge thanks to Andy for being wonderful and taking care of me the past couple of days (me going to work is also beneficial to him as well) and here's to my wonderful green ford focus.......may we have years left together.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My boo

Let me start this by saying I ran 20 miles yesterday and hit the gym. Oh, and my glutes (my butt) hurts like hell. I called Andy from work today just to say hi, I mentioned him and I running together (on treadmills) when he got home (to encourage him to workout-having a buddy). But tonight, he was my running buddy. When he got home it was to find me on the couch (by this time I'd already eaten a bowl of cereal and oatmeal. (Yes, I'm a glutton). As I'm laying on the couch hoping he doesn't mention the dreaded word he comes out of his closet wearing.........running clothes. Ugh. He asks me if I'm ready to go to the gym. I can't say No, I'm the athlete, right? So I changed clothes and trudged downstairs to the gym. Got my butt on the treadmill and pounded out the miles. And now, I feel so much better.
I know that training even on days when I feel like crap are important. This is one of the reasons I miss my girl Kelley so much. And today Andy was my saving grace. Thanks babe.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


  • 2 frozen bananas, in pieces
  • 1 T Peanut Butter & Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams
  • 2 T Nestle semi-sweet morsels
In a food processor, whirl the bananas until chalky.
Add the peanut butter and morsels and whirl again until like ice cream consistency.

Amazing Recipes and Great Blogs

I found a couple of great blogs that I wanted to share with you guys. Food is one of my favorite hobbies (LOL) but I have to admit I'm not an amazing cook. I can follow recipes but I'm not very good at creating recipes so I have to look to other people for ideas. And I have found 2 great ones. One is called The Runner's Kitchen. And the other is Marci Gilbert's blog.
These recipes are from women who are active and who enjoy eating healthy foods. I hope you guys enjoy these recipes. Me, I can't wait to try the Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream.

Shamrock Week

Shamrock Week

The Finish Line

The Finish Line

Sharmock Marathon

Sharmock Marathon

Breakfast with Dai and Mike D

Breakfast with Dai and Mike D
Life is Good

Double Chocolate Banana ice cream

Double Chocolate Banana ice cream



Constantina Dita

Constantina Dita

Italian Mother

Italian Mother